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We looking for partners, Why not you?

We want  to make impact for mongolian people by reducing health problems related to pollution.

We want improve the life-condition of the Ger Area and their families.

We want reduce pollution in Ulaanbaatar  by introducing our new heater & cooking appliance.

We need YOU the members of the Mongolian Gas association to help make our dreams come true. 

By helping us you'll be helping yourself sell more gas and make more profits!

If you follow our goal why not become partner?

Mongolian partner

түнш болох

Бид үргэлж та бидэнтэй ижил зорилго байдаг бөгөөд та гэр хороололд амьдарч байгаа хүмүүсийн амьдралыг сайжруулах хүсэж байгаа бол бидэнтэй холбоо барина уу холбоо бариарай илүү түншүүд хайж байна! Эрчим хүч, үйлчилгээ, бүтээгдэхүүн, олон бизнес тэдэнд нөлөө үзүүлж болох юм.

Government perspective

Засгийн газар

Our company product will be especially manufactured in your country for the Gers families, to make them healthier and happier by lowering the particle matter in the air.


Манай компани нь бүтээгдэхүүн, ялангуяа агаар дахь тоосонцор асуудлыг бууруулах замаар тэдний эрүүл саруул, аз жаргалтай болгох, гэр гэр бүлийн төлөө улс оронд үйлдвэрлэсэн болно.


International partner

We always looking for more partners, if you have the same goal of us and you want improve the life of the people living in the ger area, do not hesitate to contact us! Energy, services, products, many business can have impact on them.

Investor perspective

We welcome all our prospective investors to trade with us in terms of making Mongolia a better free economy and growing together in realizing the company goals and stakeholder objectives.

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